Garlic granulated 900g


Garlic origin

Garlic has been cultivated for several centuries and originates from Central Asia. It comes from the family of liliaceae, the same family to which leeks and onions belong. It is a spice that cannot be absent in our kitchens, it takes a great prominence in dishes where it is the main ingredient as in garlic soups or garlic cod. 



What are the properties of garlic?

The consumption of garlic provides a great nutritional value and different properties. It contains vitamin C, which is essential for development and growth, and vitamin B6, which is important for brain development and maintaining a healthy nervous system. It provides many minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The different antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-flu properties help to improve health and our defenses.



Granulated garlic and its characteristics

One of the advantages of granulated garlic is that it does not clump when used and it is not necessary to rehydrate it. It's ideal to add it directly on the elaborations as in meats, vegetables and salads, especially improves the flavor in salty foods.


Recipes of Garlic

Romesco Sauce

Cream of mushrooms with ham shavings

Baked potatoes with rosemary

Thailand style chicken brochette

Battered codfish with oregano and parsley

Cuttlefish and vegetables Risotto