- Espaguete
- Bacon
- Creme
- 100 g de camarões
- 300 g de berbigão
- Folha de manjericão
- Sal marinho com limão
To prepare this recipe for 4 people. We put water to boil and add a little sea salt with lemon. While the spaghetti is cooked (we calculate about 100g per person), we prepare the shrimps and cut the bacon (in total, about 150g) into pieces.
We start by cooking the bacon, until it browns well. Next, add the shrimps and sauté until they take color. We now incorporate the cockles, a leaf of basil and 200ml cream.
Finally, we drained the pasta that we were cooking and mixed with our delicious sauce!

Tipo de receitaPrato principal
Tempo total30 minutos