To make vegan burgers based on broccoli, carrot and spinach is very easy and you will have it ready in less than 30 minutes.
- Broccoli (450 g)
- Spinach (225 g)
- Carrot (1 unit)
- Breadcrumbs or flour Garlic powder (1 teaspoon)
- Parsley powder (1 teaspoon)
- Ground black pepper (1/2 teaspoon)
- Salt
- Virgin olive oil (1 teaspoon)
- We heat hot water in a saucepan, adding a pinch of salt and oil. When the water is boiling, add the carrot.
- After 7 minutes, we will add the broccoli and 7 minutes later, we add the spinach. It is important to follow this order because each product has its cooking time.
- Once the vegetables are well cooked, we will drain them and separate the broth, which will then help us to shape the burgers.
- We place the vegetables in a container and mash them with a fork, leaving a compact mass.
- Add the salt, ground black pepper, garlic powder and parsley, stir until everything is well integrated.
- Add breadcrumbs and a little broth to the mixture and stir it until you get a compact dough.
- We will shape our hamburgers and put them in a pan over high heat, lasting for both parts and ready to eat.

Recipe typeMain course
Recipe CuisineMediterranean
Preparation Time5 minutes
Cooking Time25 minutes
Total Time30 minutes