Leite frito

Fried milk is a typical sweet that is prepared in Spain. A creamy and simple sweet with which to amaze your guests. Here you will find the traditional recipe.
  • Leite (1 litro)
  • Açúcar (120 gr)
  • Amido de Milho (120 gr)
  • Casca de limão (1)
  • Casca de laranja (1)
  • Baunilha líquida (1 colher de chá)
  • Ramo de canela (1)
  • Ovos (3)
  • Farinha (50 gr)
  • Azeite
  1. First we prepare the skins of 1 orange and 1 lemon.
  2. With a peeler (and being careful not to catch the white part as much as possible) remove the skin from the fruit.
  3. From the liter of milk, we pour a part into a glass and reserve. The other we put in a saucepan.
  4. Add the orange peel, lemon peel, cinnamon stick (1 branch) and the sugar (120 gr) to the saucepan.
  5. Put the milk over a low heat, so that it infuses the flavors. When it starts to boil, we count 10 minutes and remove the saucepan from the heat. Reserve.
  6. Add the cornstarch to the milk in the glass and stir until it is diluted. Then add the liquid vanilla.
  7. Strain the milk into a separate pan and mix with the milk in the glass (which contains the cornstarch). Mix well and put it on the fire.
  8. Letting it mix without stopping stirring. When it is creamy, remove from heat. We pour the mixture into a tray to cool it down and cover it with a kitchen film so that it does not crust over. You have to let it cool completely. First at room temperature and then in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  9. Once the resting time has passed, we can cut the portions (about 4CM x 4CM squares approximately). Carefully remove the portions from the tray.
  10. Now you have to coat the milk. Prepare a plate with flour and another with beaten eggs.
  11. Pass the milk portions first through flour, then through the beaten egg.
  12. Heat abundant oil in a pan.
  13. With the hot oil, fry the portions and turn them over so that they are golden brown on both sides. Remove them later and place them on absorbent paper.
  14. Coat with a little sugar before serving. They are ready to eat!
  • Porções
    For 4 people
  • Tipo de receita
  • Receita de Culinária
  • Características
  • Tempo de preparação
    20 minutos
  • Tempo de cozimento
    15 minutos
  • Tempo total
    35 minutos
Average: 5 (6 votes)

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