Did you know that Harira Soup is eaten as food to break the fast of Ramadan? Complete, tasty and comforting. Has it all.
- Tempero de sabor marroquino
- Tomates maduros (800 gr)
- Carne (200 gr)
- Cenoura (1)
- Salsão
- Salsa
- Grão de bico cozido (100 gr)
- Lentilhas (80 gr)
- Um punhado de macarrão (opcional)
- Farinha (2 colheres de sopa *)
- Água (1 L)
- Azeite
- Sal
A quantidade de farinha é indicativa e vai depender se você gosta dela mais espessa ou menos.
The list of ingredients is extensive but you will find them without any problem. Of course, make sure that in your pantry you have our Taste of Morocco seasoning to give it the final touch.
Shall we prepare it together?
Many say that it is an ideal recipe for winter but when the Try, you will discover that the harira soup is perfect for any time of the year.
Harira soup preparation:
- Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and beat together with the celery until obtaining a puree.
- Chop the meat and the carrot into small cubes.
- Add it in a pot with oil, over medium heat until start to boil.
- At that time, add a glass of water, parsley, salt and our Moroccan seasoning.
- Let it cook for 15 minutes.
- Meanwhile, we peel the cooked chickpeas. This is optional but if you want to follow the authentic recipe, it is one step essential to obtain the characteristic texture of harira.
- Add the peeled chickpeas, the lentils and half a liter of water.
- Let it boil for another 20 minutes.
- Finally, we dissolve the flour in a glass of cold water and the We add to the soup along with the noodles.
- Before serving, we move to avoid lumps.
Now you can tell your family to come and enjoy this delicious harira. Do you think they will repeat?

PorçõesFor 4 people
Tipo de receitaPetisco / Aperitivo
Receita de CulináriaMoroccan
Tempo de preparação1 hora 20 minutos
Tempo de cozimento40 minutos
Tempo total2 horas