- 4 porções de robalo
- 50 g de pimenta verde
- 2 colheres de sopa de creme líquido
- 2 colheres de sopa de licor
- Calvados
- 1 colher de sopa de óleo
- 1 noz de manteiga
- 1 cebola grande
- Pimenta preta
- Sal
Heat the oil and the butter in a fish pan. When it has melted, add the finely chopped onion.
Immediately, before it browns, place the 4 pieces of sea bass (without bones) with salt and pepper, with the skin up. Wait a minute and turn it around.
Once done, add the pepper in grain and flambé with the liquor Calvados.
A few seconds later, add the liquid cream, and cook for another minute. Put the fish pan in the very hot oven, at 250ºC, for 5 minutes.
Check the cooking point, which has to be precise, rare.
Once assured of having obtained the perfect point, remove the pieces of sea bass and distribute them in four dishes.
Put the sauce on the heat to reduce it a little and check the point of salt and flavor. Add the sauce to the portions of sea bass in the corresponding dishes, ensuring that the pepper is distributed equally.

Tipo de receitaPrato principal
Tempo total45 minutos