- Azeite Berinjela (1)
- Abobrinha (1)
- Cebola (1)
- Cuscuz BIO Dani (150g)
- Pimenta Cayene moída (1 colher de chá)
- Cúrcuma moída (1 colher de chá)
- Lula em sua própria tinta (1 lata)
- Tempero cinco pimentas
- Sal
First, we prepare the cous cous and break the eggplant and zucchini into pieces very little ones. We let them fry little by little and set aside. Meanwhile, we make the cous cous. With very hot water. We add a teaspoon of cayenne and another of turmeric. Stir well and add the vegetable.
Next, fry the onion in a pan with a little oil, salt and some grains of five ground peppers.
We add the cous cous and, finally, the squid in its ink.
We mix everything, we take a few turns over low heat and ... we already have it!

Tipo de receitaPrato principal
Tempo total45 minutos