
Daniel Sánchez Simón starts as a salesman of spices and preserves.

Daniel Sánchez-Llibre starts working with his father.

Ceased business as a reseller of herbs & spices and began business in bottling and packaging. The name “DS” under which we have since traded continues existing today.

A small company is born in Vilassar de Mar, Daniel Sánchez S.A.

Began the import of preserves.
During this same year we make our first import of pineapple in syrup from Thailand under the name of “DS”.

Gradually until 1985 we progressively move away from the herb and spice reseller business.
We buy the brand name “DANI”

From this moment we only focus on Dani brand.

Our desire to continue growing makes us open a new factory in Chile, Ancud, a town at the island of Chiloé.
Specializing in products such as:Baby clams, razor clams, baby razor clams, pink clams, mussels and sea snails.

We look for other potential raw material markets. We open a new seafood production plant in China (Joint Venture with China), there we produce clams.

Blockade of exports from China to the EU, which remains until today. Blocking involves making joint ventures with other companies to carry out the import of white asparagus.

Almost taking over the Spanish market, in 1999 opened a new factory, this time in Carnota, A Coruña, Galicia.
Specializing in products such as: Mussels, octopus, squids, yelowfin tuna, shrimps, surimi, cockles...

Distribuciones Vilassar S.A. changes its name to become Conservas Dani, S.A.U. because it is currently a manufacturer.

Inauguration of a new processing plant (Dani Foods, Ltd.) for cockles. Dani becomes the first Spanish company to invest in the United Kingdom within this sector.

Inauguration of a new cockle cooking plant in Wales (Selwyn’s Ltd.), United Kingdom.
(IRI) Studies reveal Dani to be the market leader in Cockles with a 50% market share and the best value produce.

Launch of a FROZEN SEAFOOD PRODUCT LINE from our Factory in Chile.
Frozen food: Clams (meat and shell) (Tawera Gayi) and Mussels (meat and shell) (Mytilus

Purchase of a Cockles cooking plant in England, Cardium shellfish, Ltd. along with its fishing boats.

Purchase of an English company, Trevor Lineham shellfish, Ltd. along with its fishing boat.

We increased the spices packing room with new technology, palletizing and de-palletizing robots... to reach national demands and growing exports.

Purchase of a new fishing boat in (Renown Fisheries, Ltd.) the UK.

We implemented a new steam cooker in Galicia, which allows us to keep all the flavor of the

New production line specialized in sardines in Galicia.

To supply the high demand of the export, we acquired a new line for spices for the retail sector. A high-speed production line with the latest packing technologies.

We celebrate the 50th anniversary. Thanks to the trust of our customers and the effort of our team we have grown and now we are a company present in more than 40 countries. In 50 years we have established ourselves in the market and we are a reference company in the sector. Thanks to all who have made it possible

We set up a compact Shuttle warehouse, with an increase in the warehouse capacity of 1471 spaces in the same space. With this type of storage it is possible to eliminate the corridors so that it ends up making better use of the surface and total storage space.