Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt is a highly valued product in today's cuisine. It is characterized by the pink color that acquires from the minerals with which it is naturally in contact.

Himalayan pink salt is a type of unrefined mineral salt rich in trace elements, such as magnesium, so it has less sodium per serving than other salts.

It is usually used especially for meat and fish, it is also often used as kosher salt. It is recommended to throw it after cooking to preserve all its qualities.

Dani has pink Himalayan salt in various formats.

  • Ground. In size of table salt shaker or in large 1 Kg pot for cooking.
  • Thick with grinder. To be ground before being dispensed. In Premium Quality grinder or in our family format grinder.

We also have special formats.

  • In rock, with a grater included, for the most foodies. Use it to control the amount you add to food after cooking.
  • Cooking table Cooking directly on the table makes food acquire the perfect salt point. Directly on the barbecue fire or to prepare raw foods such as sushi or carpaccio (see more).

You can complement our pink salt with the world's salt collection in Premium Quality grinder formats or our family-sized grinders.

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